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New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic Auckland & Christchurch

About the New Zealand
Stem Cell Clinic

Dr Beulink, lead doctor at The New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic

Dr Beulink and the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic were one of the original pioneers in this clinical field, and have been successfully treating people with various ailments as well as regenerative well-being for over a decade. The popularity and success of this treatment has become widely embraced.

The New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic, first and foremost in bringing clinical applications of stem cell therapy to New Zealand.

new zealand stem cell therapy
new zealand stem cell therapy
new zealand stem cell therapy
new zealand stem cell therapy
new zealand stem cell therapy

First clinic in New Zealand to offer regenerative human stem cell treatments since 2009.

Thousands of successful stem cell treatments since 2009.

World pioneer in autologous (one's self) adipose (fat) derived stem cell treatments.

first in intravenous adipose derived stem cell therapies.

Treating numerous conditions: from well being and longevity to numerous age and inflammatory related disorders

New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic Auckland & Christchurch

At the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinics, our aim is to bring the advances of 21st century medicine and technology into the realms of everyday clinical medicine, to provide exciting and promising alternatives to traditional solutions, and to bring all of this within the reach of everyday people. Though not yet a substitute for more orthodox and proven medical or surgical treatments, Regenerative Medicine shows promise as an up and coming exciting field of medicine. 

Dr Beulink and the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic were one of the original pioneers in this clinical field, and have been successfully treating people with various ailments as well as regenerative well-being for over a decade. The popularity and success of this treatment has become widely embraced.

At the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinics, our commitment is to remain at the forefront of this change, through ongoing research and updated knowledge, offering a new era of these innovative and alternative therapies.

Our clinical involvement in regenerative and cellular-based therapies dates back over 25 years, with vast experience in adipose (fat combined with stem cells) harvesting and transfer procedures, pioneering the use of platelet-derived growth factors (known now as PRP) for enhanced healing properties of wounds, and the use of laser, light therapy and other products to clinically biostimulate human stem cells (these all now being key components of or the basis to many current stem cell procedures worldwide).  

Opened by Dr Robert Beulink in 2009, the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic became the first clinic in New Zealand, and was one of only then a very small and select number in the world, to offer and perform clinical treatments specifically involving isolated Adipose Derived Adult Stem Cells for the purpose of Regenerative and Restorative Medicine. Right from the beginning, the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic performed as part of every treatment, full iv (intra-venous) infusions of hundreds of millions of autologous stem cells (persons own cells). Twelve years on, our experience, expertise and ongoing safety record assures you that the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic remains at the forefront cutting edge of this exciting emerging field of medicine.

Dr Beulink with wife and nurse Ruth, lead doctor in new zealand stem cell therapy
Dr Beulink - with his wife & nurse Ruth, is the only doctor performing your stem cell treatment from start to finish at The New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic. His expertise and knowledge is unrivalled, and his full attention is given to the patient from the start to finish of the procedure. 
Our Stem Cell Clinics

Our Clinics

Both the New Zealand Stem Cell Clinics, established in 2009, proudly hold the distinction of being among the longest-running stem cell clinics in Australasia - In fact, they were the pioneering force behind the first-ever stem cell clinic in New Zealand. What sets these clinics apart is their groundbreaking introduction of intravenous adipose-derived stem cell therapies, a breakthrough treatment offered exclusively by Dr. Beulink who was the first in the world to offer this treatment commercially. As the sole provider of this innovative therapy at The New Zealand Stem Cell Clinics since its inception, Dr. Beulink has consistently delivered exceptional care and transformative results to patients.

Auckland Clinic

Suite 3, 102 Remuera Road,
Remuera, Auckland
Ph/Fax +64 9 5232 560

Christchurch Clinic

Suite 3, 222 Bealey Ave
Christchurch 8013
Ph/Fax +64 3 3555 712

New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic Auckland & Christchurch
Online stem cell therapy application Auckland & Christchurch

Unleash your boundless potential and embrace the hope of stem cells

Online stem cell therapy application Auckland & Christchurch

© New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic 2011; NZ Stem Cell Clinic, Auckland, Christchurch. PO Box 36088, Merivale, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Ph/fx +64 3 3555 712,

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